Mythago for the third time

Many years ago, Drak and Mirwen started to organize Camelots, closing the outdoor larps season. Camelots, as could be inferred from the name, were focused on the Arthurian legends and every year was a little different. In 2007, a new king had to be found amongst the dozens of Uther’s bastards, next year, the Picts attacked Camelot and the last year was inspired by Monty Pythons.
When Camelots ended, the torch has passed Mythagos, organized by Zmyjka and Renglaren. The first Mythago, originally called NeCamelot, focused only on the oldest legends. The second one moved the boundaries for the characters’ age a bit to the present. But this is the third and last Mythago, making no difference between historical legends, fairy tales and heroes from the future.
The mix of heroes was very varied this time – Greek Iáson met with Stoker’s Van Helsing and Pratchett’s Discworld, as well as with Hulk or Little Red Werehood. After all, you can see many of them for yourselves in these photos. At the same time, you will see how it looks when the Snow Queen conquers Mythago and it starts to snow. This was the first time when it started to snow on a larp I was shooting. The falling snow added atmosphere not only to the pictures, but to the game itself. The moments, when the veil of snow is parted by a group of adventurers, escorting the poor Red Riding Hood that was once again victim of a falling branch… were charming.
The game took place in the beginning of November, which meant shorter days and less time for shooting. So once it got dark, I hid in the main building of the scout camp, and photographed at least inside. Technically speaking, I could have used flash, but I played no god of thunder and didn’t want to spoil the game for the others by disturbing them.
The snow and the cold have not only covered our cars with snow, so that they were not visible in the photos, they also made the journey home quite unpleasant, because the roads were covered with ice. The road workers were once again surprised.
When the Camelot series finished, we knew that something had come to an end. When Mythagos started, we were excited at the beginning of something new. Now it too has ended, and we are waiting for whatever will come next, for someone to step forward and bring us a new series. We can only hope that some hero can be found.