On behalf of the Republic!

I shot four larps within the chamber larp festival “HRAJ LARP” a month ago.
Processing of the results took me a month as opposed to the usual week… well, shit happens, sometimes in much larger quantities than one would expect to be possible. And I actually even didn’t want to go there and shoot it, but I promised to do so. But in the end I definitely didn’t regret it. Somehow seeing these larps helped me.
Now when everything is processed, I’m starting to look forward to the next larp shooting in my calendar – Help from Heaven (Pomoc z nebes).
On behalf of the Republic! (Jménem republiky!) – It’s the fifties of the 20th century. The Czechslovak Socialist Republic. The era of Stalin’s collectivization and political processes.
Fear. Physical and psychological violence. Anxiety. Injustice. Hopelessness. Humiliation. And again fear…