Prince’s Gambit

I have finally managed to find the time for writing. It was a while, because I had a lot to do, mostly shooting.
There’s not much what I could say about Prince’s Gambit. Firstly, it took place almost a month ago and my memory is not that good, and secondly, I didn’t even photograph all of it. The organisers have asked me to do it basically in the last minute and it collided with other already given parts of my programme. However, I did try to find as much time for it as possible and to catch a lot of interesting moments.
I wanted to join the players at least for the Friday opening meeting, but I was clumsy enough to let my only wide-angle lens fall down and broke them. The easiest solution should have been to borrow one, but when I called my friends, they were either away from Prague or the country altogether or they were currently using their lens. Tymur helped me eventually, but it was no sooner than Saturday noon.
In the end I joined the game in the afternoon. The best strategy in the urban surroundings was to follow a group of non-player characters to their encounters with the players. During this time I met Bivoj, saw the players enter Stinadla, as well as meet the Vonts, with whom they competed in box and čára. I was a witness of Faust ridding himself of his deal with the devil, met the Melusine and saw the lance of St. George. You can see all that and more for yourselves in the gallery of Prince’s Gambit.
The larp itself took place in the historical centre of Prague and it was organized by the MadFairy association. In spite of my short participation, I liked it quite a lot. There is some chance that it will be repeated, so if it interests anyone, they have a chance to play it in the future.