
I shot four larps within the chamber larp festival “HRAJ LARP” a month ago.
Processing of the results took me a month as opposed to the usual week… well, shit happens, sometimes in much larger quantities than one would expect to be possible. And I actually even didn’t want to go there and shoot it, but I promised to do so. But in the end I definitely didn’t regret it. Somehow seeing these larps helped me.
Now when everything is processed, I’m starting to look forward to the next larp shooting in my calendar – Help from the Heavens.
Quartet (Kvarteto) – It’s the year 1980. Your live is controlled by the state, well in fact by the Communist Party. You’re observed. They have records about everything, about your parents, what you think, whom you meet, what are you talking about. If you make a joke about the commies in front of the wrong person, you’re kicked out of the school.