Reinventing this site

This website has existed for more than thirteen years. It was always focusing on photography. But it was obvious that I’m not focusing on photography as much as I did before. Or maybe I still do, but I’m rarely publishing anything nowadays.
The truth is, I still take pictures, but fewer of them, primarily just for my own enjoyment. Going to sometimes even fifteen LARPs in a year took too much time and energy. There also weren’t that many events to visit during the pandemic. Don’t get me wrong, I still love to take photos and document LARPs and related events, I really do. But I lost touch with the scene and community. I have no idea what is happening – that’s probably because I no longer read Facebook daily or even weekly.
Also, a lot has happened that influenced how I spend my time. I got married to a beautiful girl from Poland whom I’ve met on a LARP, moved (within Prague), and changed work twice. My previous to last job turned out to be basically a scam, and even though I liked it a lot and I was putting a lot of energy into it, I’m glad it’s over. There was also a Covid pandemic. It made me see the world differently, prioritize different activities, and think more about where and how I should use my time and put effort.
But now to the reinvention. I believe I’ve created a significant digital footprint and some traffic here. However, it doesn’t make sense to keep this website focused purely on photography when there is no new content, doesn’t it?
Therefore I would like to change focus and show you more of my hobbies. I would try to write more because I’ve been consuming a lot of content over the years, using that knowledge but never publicly sharing it. I chose the written form because I’m not a fan of watching a 15 minutes videos just to give you two pieces of information you’re looking for.
Visuals will be updated a little, and there will also be a dark theme. Because websites need a dark mode nowadays. I will dismantle the entry page and create a new category for photo galleries. Generally speaking, I shall update the visuals a little – but that part will be done by my good friend, Jarda.
I’m not saying it will happen overnight, but it will happen soon-ish. I have more and more things I want to speak/write about. A blog is a way to do it and possibly reach a wider audience. Stay tuned!