The City

Extremely bright colours, even worse lighting, a camera with the lowest possible ISO performance and a thousand other excuses – that’s another way to describe the elements I was fighting while making these pictures of a theater play called The City.
In the city there are two worlds blended together, one world full of humans and the second one, the one full of Darklings – whatever they are. Perhaps it’s a place where two dimensions are entwined together, each is a little different, but there are similarities. Both these worlds are trying to operate separately, except for curious and crazy tourists who wish to visit the Darkling world – behind the wall. The reasons for the isolation are obvious, if the worlds became separated again as they once did, any Darkling artifact would kill many people.
Now imagine what mess you can create by unleashing an egomaniac and unscrupulous gold-digger as Christian Prior. The result can be nothing else than a police raid and a few more zeros on Christians bank account. We also meet with a Darkling murderous cult, learn something about interspecies breeding, how women change their opinions on a men, find out, that not even Darkling magic can give you properly working Windows, overhear several phone calls and watch a dance creation similar to those of the Axe gang in Kung-Fu Hustle. And that was all just a common marketing campaign.
And all of this took place on Taverna meeting, a gathering of people around a small community server called Taverna. This annual event is created by Taverna members for Taverna members – all the content including this theatre. However, my presence there was an exception, I have never been on Taverna website, I was just the theatre photographer, after all, that’s what I usually am.