Twilight of the Gods, part one

The first part of the Changeling larp Twilight of the Gods (Soumrak bohů) took place just a few days ago at a castle in Rosice. The second part (big finish) will be taking place this weekend, but as I’ll be on be on Azeroth (World of Warcraft larp), documenting that part will be someone else’s job. Said that, these photographs are from intro; just an introduction, no crisis. I won’t say much about the game, because the game didn’t finish yet and I need to avoid all spoilers.
This game is set in a socialist medical institution for adolescents (Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, around 1970). Every child here has its own changeling/fae, who is taking over in the dreaming parts of the game. This dreamiest part of the game takes place in the halls of Ásgard. This means that you can meet gods like Odin, Hel or Tyr. But the gods aren’t the only ones there, for example you can meet the hero Sigurd.
As I said before, the game is taking place in the Rosice castle, with its gardens under which lays a civil defense shelter. That also means that every room has a differently colored lighting (mostly original) and that makes photography more complicated. The twilight wasn’t just part of the name of the game, but a lot of interesting moments took place during that time of the day and candles aren’t exactly the right thing to light the scene with.
I’m really interested in how the second part of the game will go. The only thing is certain – Ragnarök is coming.