• Libušín 2012

    Libušín 2012

    My health forced me to spend most of April in the Priessnitz Spa. However, its whole treatment counts on the fact that the patient is going to take a trip for the weekend. I made the trip to the twenty-first Battle of Libušín. Anyway, it’s quite a big tourist attraction (about 5000 spectators). There was accompanying […]

  • Notorburg 2011

    Notorburg 2011

    This year’s Notorburg was neither too rainy, nor too hot – so as to the weater it was really cosy. But no matter how much hotter Notorburg 2010 was, it was also better. I forgot lots od details since last year, of course, and the absence of my friends didn’t work as a benefit for […]

  • The battle under Zbořený Kostelec

    The battle under Zbořený Kostelec

    I visited the battle under Zborený Kostelec last weekend and it was for my second time. Well, the event itself has a longer tradition, this was its eleventh anniversary. This time I was invited by the organizers to capture the event in photography. I’ve intended to be there, so why not be a guest. We […]

  • Libušín 2011

    Libušín 2011

    Various effects, a thousand elephants… ehm performers and much more spectators, a historical camp and an almost historical market. Battle units from different time periods attend the Battle of Libušín – this means it isn’t as much historical battle, rather than a battle of historical troops, and it’s mostly about meeting your friends who prefer […]

  • Best of 2010

    Best of 2010

    At first, I was thinking about not writing any article this week. Originally, I thought that I would not write anything because of the Christmas spirit and I’d let you enjoy your peace. But then, even I was looking for some new information, to evade all the Christmas stuff. And under this influence, I decide […]

  • Conquest of Wothanburg 2010

    Conquest of Wothanburg 2010

    Some photos from the historical battle Conquest of Wothanburg 2010.

  • Battle of PraNotorburg 2010

    Battle of PraNotorburg 2010

    One day visit to Notorburg 2010 and its two battles.

  • The Battle under Zbořený Kostelec 2010

    The Battle under Zbořený Kostelec 2010

    For the eleventh time Zbořený Kostelec was a historical battle where I returned to the living history community.