• Twilight of the Gods, part one

    Twilight of the Gods, part one

    The first part of the Changeling larp Twilight of the Gods (Soumrak bohů) took place just a few days ago at a castle in Rosice. The second part (big finish) will be taking place this weekend, but as I’ll be on be on Azeroth (World of Warcraft larp), documenting that part will be someone else’s […]

  • Twenty-fifth Battle of Libušín

    Twenty-fifth Battle of Libušín

    A quarter of a century is a long time. An annual event that lasts for that long is probably worth it; and I dare to say it is indeed true. The twenty-fifth Battle of Libušín was worth it. I’ve seen the last five of them and I believe this one was not only the biggest […]

  • The Last Voyage of the Demeter

    The Last Voyage of the Demeter

    And again I’ve managed to be a photographer at a blockbuster larp abroad. But this time it wasn’t in Poland (like Geas and Fairweather Manor), but at the Baltic Sea, somewhere between Denmark and Germany. I’ve heard about Demeter at the Danish Knudepunkt 2015 for the first time. The only things I managed to remember was […]

  • The Eighth Metroplex

    The Eighth Metroplex

    I was thrilled when I heard that Petrius was making another World after the fall (Svět po pádu) – that was a year ago. I had no idea what to expect from the festival format, but still, I couldn’t wait. And when it happened, we all knew that a postapo festival was something we had […]

  • Legion: Siberian Story

    Legion: Siberian Story

    The Czech larp Legion has been around for some time now and quite a few people from both the republics have already played it – but this time it was organized for international guests. Yes, there is the second big larp that got organized for English-speaking larpers. Legion is inspired by almost century-old events which […]

  • Help from the Heavens

    Help from the Heavens

    Neither the game nor the photos from it serve to promote any movement that aims to suppress human rights and freedoms; on the contrary, its goal is to raise social awareness and make a moral appeal.. I’ve made the first photographs of this year during a weekend in Jeseníky, but these are the first pictures […]

  • Quartet


    I shot four larps within the chamber larp festival “HRAJ LARP” a month ago. Processing of the results took me a month as opposed to the usual week… well, shit happens, sometimes in much larger quantities than one would expect to be possible. And I actually even didn’t want to go there and shoot it, […]

  • Five of Spades

    Five of Spades

    I shot four larps within the chamber larp festival “HRAJ LARP” a month ago. Processing of the results took me a month as opposed to the usual week… well, shit happens, sometimes in much larger quantities than one would expect to be possible. And I actually even didn’t want to go there and shoot it, […]

  • Sandbox


    I shot four larps within the chamber larp festival “HRAJ LARP” a month ago. Processing of the results took me a month as opposed to the usual week… well, shit happens, sometimes in much larger quantities than one would expect to be possible. And I actually even didn’t want to go there and shoot it, […]

  • On behalf of the Republic!

    On behalf of the Republic!

    I shot four larps within the chamber larp festival “HRAJ LARP” a month ago. Processing of the results took me a month as opposed to the usual week… well, shit happens, sometimes in much larger quantities than one would expect to be possible. And I actually even didn’t want to go there and shoot it, […]