4th Prague Larpweekend – School

This is a fragment of an article from old blog. It was modified during the transformation of this website.
The 4th Prague Larpweekend took place last weekend, surprisingly in Prague, and it is organized by Prague by Night. This event is inspired by a similar event called Larpweekend organized by Court of Moravia and you can look at my photographies from the 7th Larpweekend in my gallery. The Prague Larpweekend is rather smaller than it’s predecessor from Brno both in the number of attendants and in the number of the larps. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s less fun for its attendants. The players could enjoy about twenty larps which took place from Friday to Sunday evening. Knowing about other photographers and due to the fact that I have already photographed some of the occurring larps I photographed three of them: Moon, Šotčín and School.
The last larp I photographed was School. To be accurate, it was about two classes of the fifth year on the elementary school. This means the time of first love, first cigarettes and class rivalry. Nice and mean teachers, Math, Czech, PE – you run into all of this. There are no dull pupils there, every one of them is a little extreme, someone with his impudence, someone with dreaminess or sycophantly. All in all, it was a lot of fun for the players, farther they were from this age, the more fun it was.
Prague larpweekend certainly doesn’t fall behind Brno’s larpweekend in its standard, although it’s smaller. And from what I know, they are looking for some more space to expand to for next year, so they can please a wider audience.
If you are looking for someone at the photos and you can’t find him try the gallery of Emil Emilovic, he might have had better luck, he photographed Derniera and Odznak.