VII. Taverna ball

At least for once I’m writing about something from the present and not about some pictures I’ve published months ago. Today I’ll be writing about the first weekend of February 2013. I was asked to shoot this ball for the fourth time. Basically it’s an event for people who spend their time on the Taverna server, and for some of their friends. There were about seventy dancers, two dance shows performed by Armus and Pavlínka, one by the Lento dancing group and an Irish dance show performed by Arwi.
I guess I should apologize to the Lento dance group, because there aren’t many pictures of them. I didn’t fit the lens properly to the camera body when I was shooting their performance and the pictures are weirdly striped. I’ve noticed in the middle of the performance when during zooming the lens fell off of the camera.
On the other hand, I should glorify my Velbon Sherpa RUP-L43, there would be many more blurry photographs without its help. Even at that point I was shooting at ISO 1000 and that made the pictures noisy.
If I look onto the photographs from the fourth, fifth, sixth and the current (seventh) Taverna ball – it’s pretty obvious that the quality is increasing, and not just technical quality, but also the content. It’s even possible that I’m starting to understand basics of dance and that I know when to shoot and when not to. However, I know it’s just a beginning of a long run, and it certainly isn’t based only on the equipment I use. I’ve photographed the fourth ball with Canon 400D, the fifth with Canon 400D and Canon 5D Mark II, for the sixth I’ve used Canon 5D MarkII and for this one Canon 5D. Therefore, I can be sure it’s not based only on the camera body, because I’ve photographed the last ball with the oldest of the cameras and it still look the best.