22nd battle of Libušín

There isn’t much to say and not repeat myself. I’ve already been to this battle twice and it’s harder and harder to write something new.
But in some ways this year was different, it was already raining for almost two days when the event begun. And besides lowering the number of visitors it also it added a lot of mud everywhere. But I can’t say it made it any less fun than usually.
The story followed the story from the last year, the main characters were dead, but one of them had a son. He was in trouble, after the fights last year there were lots of mercenaries in his lands and he was trying to get rid of them. At the moment he was trying to take over their main bastion.
The whole battle was commented by two brothers who were captured by the mercenaries and locked on the tower.
There were a lot of attractions for the visitors from the noon, but the main battle took place at 4 PM. So after arrival you could visit the market, visit historical camps, listen to some music, watch the Battle of the Nations and your kids could join the first battle of Libušín for kids.
Battle of the Nations is currently a global event, where the fighters represent their home countries in an international tournament. We had some participants from the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany and the USA in this tournament; some of them fought in duels, some in group battles. There were rules, of course, but it still was a fierce fight. I didn’t know how some of the fighters could stand after the trashing they got, and get into another round few moments later.
There was something new for accredited photographers – Media Boxes, a special area of the auditorium where we could stand and capture the course of the battle and free conflicts afterwards. To my surprise, I saw Daniel Bárta (known for his work in the field of the computer games) in one of the boxes.